Sexy Devil
One tube of choice. I am using the brilliant work of Elias Chatzoudis To use his work you must obtain a license from My PSP Tubes
Scrap Kit Freebie Seductive Elegance by Monica at Simply Sensational Scraps
• Please leave some luv if you decide to download •
Mask 236 by Vix at VixPSP
• Click on Goodies - Masks - It's the very first set • Don't forget to leave some luv there as well •
Word Art and Template by Me
• Included in the supplies •
Xero Plug In - Greyscaler
Eye Candy Impact - Gradient Glow • Optional •
Font of choice.
I used Scriptina
1. Open all supplies in PSP
2. Open a 700x650 canvas (we will resize later) and flood fill white.
3. Open Medium Rectangle from my Template - Copy - Paste as a new layer - Selections - Select all Selections float - Selections defloat.
4. Open Paper 13 - Copy - Paste as new layer - Selections invert Delete paper layer - Selections - Select none - Delete medium rectangle template layer.
5. Open Small Squares from my template - Copy - Paste as a new layer - Selections - Select all Selections float - Selections defloat.
6. Open Paper 8 - Copy - Paste as new layer - Selections invert Delete paper layer - Selections - Select none - Delete small square template layer.
7. Open Small Square Frames from my template - Copy - Paste as a new layer - Selections - Select all Selections float - Selections defloat.
8. Open Paper 5 - Copy - Paste as new layer - Selections invert Delete paper layer - Selections - Select none - Delete small square frame template layer.
• Now we want to make the frame layer pop out a bit •
9. On your frame layer Effects - Plug Ins - Eye Candy Impact - Gradient Glow. On the basic tab - Outside Glow Checked - Glow Radius 5.00 - Color #84121e - Click ok.
10. Now take your tube and slide it below your frame layer but above the square layer. In the two boxes take different parts of your tube and place them in there and delete any of the excess tube sticking out from the frame.
11. Once happy with the look on your tube layer apply Xero Greyscaler default settings.
12. X out all layers except your small frame, tube and frame layers - Layers - Merge - Merge Visible. Un X all layers.
13. Open up Heart 1 in the elements folder - Copy - Paste as new layer. Move to the right of your tag and place in between the rectangle layer and your frame layer. Move your frame layer a tad bit up and over from your rectangle layer.
• See my tag for reference •
14. Copy and paste your tube again. Place in a general area in which the tube will remain.
15. Add embellishments of choice.
16. Open Paper 11 - Copy - Paste as a new layer - Apply Vix Mask 236 - Right click on make layer - Merge group.
17. Once happy with the look of your tag X out your background layer and merge visible layers. Un X your background.
18. Open my word art - Copy Devil - Paste as a new layer - Selections - Float - Selections defloat - Selections invert - Apply Eye Candy Gradient Glow - Change your glow color to white.
19. Open Paper 14 - Copy - Paste as a new layer - Delete paper layer - Selections - Select none - Delete devil word art layer.
20. Open the Sexy word art - Copy - Paste as a new layer - Apply Eye Candy Gradient Glow - Apply the same settings as above but change your glow color back to #84121e.21.
Now add your name and all © information.
22. Merge all layers and save as a .jpeg.
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