Thursday, December 31, 2009

times 2

If things couldn't get any better I've been awarded another award!
Melissa from Melissa's Scraps and More has given me the Honest Scrap Award!
Thanks soOOoo much!!
The rules are I must post 10 things about me and pass this award along to someone else....
So here it goes :)
1.) I live in North Carolina
2.) I have two children
3.) I'm in Nursing School working towards my BSN in trauma/emergency medicine.
4.) I have been married for 10 years
5.) I've never been a civilian! I'm a Marine brat and wife
6.) I love fall... it's my fave season!
7.) I'm a reality show freak - my faves are Survivor and The Amazing Race
8.) I'm continually stressed and tired
9.) I watch CNN and Headline News non-stop (I'm not sure why)
10.) My brother FINALLY got engaged yesterday!!
WooT! A brand new soon to be sister in law!
Now I'm gonna pass this award onto Justine at PSP Addict & Digi Scraps
mwahhh.... ♥ xx

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